
Welcome to the Kelly Miller Middle School Library!

Mission Statement

The students at Kelly Miller Middle School will be empowered and inspired to apply skills and develop positive attitudes as avid readers, creative thinkers, and problem solvers to become responsible and contributing members of the school community.


The students at Kelly Miller Middle School will develop an approach to life long learning through literacy and the use of technology.

Catalog - Destiny
  • Follett Destiny is our school-wide library cataloging system. It can be accessed anywhere with Internet Access at Click on Kelly Miller Middle School to see our school library’s books and materials.
  • Library Account: Each teacher and student has a library account through Destiny. Through your account, you can check on the status of your currently borrowed materials, renew materials, and place materials on hold. To access your account, simply click “Login” and then sign in with your username and password.
    • Students - User: Student ID #   Password: mmddyy (of birthday)
    • Teachers - User: DCPS Email (w/o   Password: Employee ID
Visiting the Library [Students]

Single students or small groups may visit the library with a teacher’s permission. The student(s) names must be written on the pass. Students must sign in when they arrive and must sign out when they leave.

Library Passes
Collect a pass from the circulation desk when you plan to visit the library.
Before School:  Monday - Friday - 8:20 AM to 8:45 AM Students will be dismissed from the library before advisory classes begin - No excuses.
Lunch: Students may come to the library after they have eaten lunch with a signed pass from the cafeteria administrator.
After School: Tuesdays and Thursdays - 3:15 PM to 4:00 PM.

Circulation Policies

Check out materials
  • Students may check out 3 items at a time.
  • Items are checked out for a period of 2 weeks.
  • Items may be renewed as needed
  • Reference books, such as encyclopedias and dictionaries are to be used only in the library.
Overdue materials
  • KMMS Library imposes no overdue fines for late books and materials. However, students cannot check out any additional items until all overdue items are returned or renewed. Students must bring any library material with them to renew.
  • All students are responsible for any books checked out in their names.
  • Notices will be distributed to students each advisory for books that are overdue.
  • Items overdue by three months are considered lost and may require payment for replacement. 
Technology use
  • Technology is for educational purposes only. The District of Columbia (DCPS) acceptable use of policy must be adhered to at all times.
  • Students need to request a laptop to use at the designated library station (s).  Students need to have adult supervision to use the computer lab.
Student Expectations
  • Show care when using all library books and resources.
  • Eat your food or snack before you enter the library.
  • Come to the library with a signed pass, unless you are with a class group.
  • Bring your lunch pass when you come after eating lunch. You must stay in the library until the end of the lunch period. Lunch passes are available at the circulation desk.
  • Play video games at home. Video games are not allowed on the library computers.
Library decorum

When accessing the library individually or with their classes throughout the school day, students are expected to work quietly and independently.

  • Yourself
  • Others
  • The library space
  • Library materials and equipment
Visiting the library [Teachers/Staff]
  • Teachers are encouraged to schedule time to bring their classes to the school library and/ or the computer lab for research, learning opportunities, and book exchange. The time may be scheduled for the library in 30-45 incriments. Scheduling must occur AT LEAST 3- 5 days in advance.
  • Scheduling in advance makes it possible for the school librarian to collaborate with the teacher to determine the instructional objectives of the activity and to provide the most useful assistance and materials to the teacher and students. Reservations may be made by email to [email protected]  (Teachers must remain with their classes when they visit the school library.)
  • Teachers may check out 15 books/materials for a period of 4 weeks. Items may be renewed as needed.
  • Items overdue by three months are considered lost and may require payment for replacement.
  • Teachers are expected to send students with a signed pass whenever he/she needs a  student and/or a group of students to use the library space. The student and/or students’ names must be written on the pass.
Students visitStudent Browsing
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